Program Management

5 Steps to successfully implement change

Implementing change is not easy. How to make sure you avoid the main pitfalls of organizational change? Combining transformation and program management is the way forward. Following these 5 steps, is your road towards success.

change transformation management success

  1. Clearly define the objective of your transformation via benefit mapping
    Benefit mapping is a technique that directly links strategic objectives to specific projects and initiatives. It enables you to prioritize which projects and initiatives need to be executed first, to actually (successfully) implement change. Next to that, it gives meaning to your teams who need to do the implementation. Do you want an example of how this works? Get in touch.
  2. Start off right with a Strategy Execution Assessment
    Assess your current state of organizational change readiness and start off right. Via our online self-assessment, you discover your organization’s blind spots that impact the success ratio of strategic (change) implementations. Next to that, you receive specific action points that help you improve the way you perform projects and initiatives and get some tailored feedback from our team
  3. Set-up a structured program approach
    How you do this? We wrote an eBook to introduce you to program management. Discover the benefits yourself. You can download it here
  4. Stay in control of your transformation
    A change transformation is a collection of individual and organizational phases people go through. Knowing what those different phases are within your organization, enable you to anticipate accordingly. In addition, don’t underestimate change fatigue and change saturation when defining your approach. Our change management expert Geert Gysel can show you how to stay in control of your transformation, with real-life examples. Just get in touch.
  5. Keep your stakeholders motivated
    There is no real transformation unless you see change in behavior. To guarantee change is successful on the long-term, you need to keep your stakeholders motivated. In doing so, it is important to involve them during every stage of the transformation. Following the ADKAR-model and our > 20 years of experience, we can support you with this.