The benefits of Mastering the Fundamentals of Negotiating:

Negotiating is an indispensable skill for professionals across various domains. This comprehensive training program aims to provide participants with a deep understanding of the negotiating landscape, equipping them with essential techniques and strategies to excel in their negotiation endeavors. Suitable for professionals and experts involved in negotiations, this program offers a valuable opportunity to enhance proficiency and achieve optimal outcomes in every negotiation scenario.


  • Acquire a strategic approach to negotiations
  • Enhance negotiation skills and confidence
  • Develop effective information elicitation techniques
  • Improve decision-making by identifying and managing biases
  • Cultivate persuasive influence and ethical communication skills
  • Master handling blind spots, lies, and deception in negotiations
  • Gain expertise in resolving blocked negotiations
  • Excel in negotiations from a perceived weaker position
  • Access a wealth of practical tips and tricks for negotiation success

What will you learn in this training?

This training covers the following modules:

  • Introduction to the landscape of negotiating
  • Importance of negotiating
  • Getting started: Mindset and principles of negotating
  • Strategies for eliciting information
  • Identifying biases
  • The how of influence
  • Managing blindspots, lies and deception
  • Resolving blocked negotiations
  • Starting from a weak(er) position
  • Final tips & tricks

What can you expect?

2 days of classroom training

High quality training material

Real-life exercises and case studies, provided by a highly skilled trainer


Book this training 'In-Company'

Do you think this training is interesting for you and your colleagues to follow together? You can book this training as ‘In-Company’ formula, by sending us a booking request with more info. We’ll arrange everything to get you started soon!