The benefits of Successful Leadership for Project Managers:

As a team leader or project manager it’s your job to guide your project team towards success. So, if you want to gain knowledge about some examples of common situations that are encountered by teams and how to handle problems and adjust team dynamics, this training will be a perfect fit for you.

Next to that, you will increase and maintain flexibility, motivation, commitment and personal development to ease up your own project work.


  • Understand the complexities and challenges of building effective Project Teams.
  • Be familiar with group dynamics and the most common leadership techniques.
  • Acquire Best Practices and effective techniques for communicating, problem solving, negotiating, handling project meetings, and managing conflicts.
  • Assess your personal strengths and weaknesses and prepare for improvement.

What will you learn in this training?

The training covers the following modules:

  • Leadership
    • Defining leadership
    • Missing/bad leadership vs successful leadership
    • Motivation theories
  • Decision-making & responsibility
    • Types of decisions
    • Decision-making models
  • Intercultural Management
    • Intercultural differences
    • Organizational structure
  • Teambuilding & development
    • Defining teambuilding, development, working and team roles
    • Team development
  • Relationship & stakeholder management
    • Relationship management
    • Stakeholder management: identify, plan, manage and control stakeholders
  • Communication
    • Miscommunication and importance of communication
    • Communication barriers and plan
    • Active listening/feedback
    • Meetings
  • Power, authority & influencing
    • Types of power
    • Authorative vs consultative approach
  • Conflict handling & problem solving
    • Conflict sources (during a project)
    • Conflict handling and resolution strategies
  • Negotiation
    • Principles negotiation
    • Negotiation tactics
    • 8 pillars of negotiable wisdom
  • Flexibility
    • Types of flexibility
    • Developing flexibility

What can you expect?

2 days classroom training sessions

High quality training material

Real-life exercises and case studies, provided by a highly skilled trainer

14 PDU's: 2 Ways of Working, 10 Power Skills, 2 Business Acumen

Book this training 'In-Company'

Do you think this training is interesting for you and your colleagues to follow together? You can book this training as ‘In-Company’ formula, by sending us a booking request with more info. We’ll arrange everything to get you started soon!