FAST Track

Small but fast teams delivering big and lasting results: Project E(nergy)

FAST track - Project E

How we used FAST Track: Project E(nergy)

At threon, we believe that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is vital for both the planet and businesses. That is why we have made it one of our core values to prioritize sustainability in our corporate culture. In line with this, we initiated Project E(nergy), a sustainable success story that brought together a group of enthusiastic internal young potentials and experienced employees to take action. 

Project E was primarily driven by two factors – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with a focus on environmental impact, and Finance due to high energy costs. Our goal was to identify initiatives that could lower our energy consumption and costs, and we immediately assessed if they were implementable, required further research or needed to be cancelled.

The core aim of the project was to raise awareness about the importance of sustainability initiatives and apply an Agile way of working to achieve quick and efficient results. 

Project E was an ideal way for us, as a group of keen young potentials, to get to know each other and the vibrant threon (corporate) environment and its core solutions. Looking back at the glowing story of Project E, we are convinced that the FAST track can be extended towards other projects (and themes) where a hands-on approach and fast results are highly desirable. 

FAST Track: What’s in a name? 

FAST stands for ‘Fast, Agile, and Success Track‘ with the aim of providing a ‘hands-on’ approach to deliver quick results and get familiar with the Agile (and Scrum) approach. The track can be used for starters to learn the Agile fundamentals and/or for more experienced employees to generate fast results in one specific theme. 

The track has an average time frame of 6 weeks, and due to the approach used, it becomes possible to deliver ‘quick wins’ within that period. By working agile, one can react to changing circumstances and embrace change, be proactive and flexible, collaborate between all levels, iterate in order to make continuous improvements, and have a clear focus on speed. 

Sustainable awareness is about incorporating sustainability into your company culture, including setting sustainability goals, recognizing initiatives, focusing on the use of renewable energy, reducing waste and costs, partnering with sustainable suppliers, and encouraging employees to pay attention to the subject. 

At the end of the track, we were proud to have delivered the following and more in just one month: 

  • Established a baseline to be able to measure our future ambitions ; 
  • Raised awareness to reduce slumber consumption (in the office) and fuel usage; 
  • Provided an overview of average electricity usage of all devices in the office; 
  • Changed settings on devices to lower (energy) consumption; 
  • Maximized the number of solar panels on the HQ building; 
  • Set up a carpooling framework; 

As the “Project E Team”, we are very proud to look back on this thrilling period. We not only achieved results in a limited time frame, but we also saw an actual change of mindset among our colleagues. Moreover, we contributed to the bigger picture by leaving a mark for others to be inspired by our story. 

Interested in trying out the threon FAST track?

Contact us! Together we will help you start (or further implement) your journey. Let’s prioritize sustainability and take action to create a better future for all. 

Discover FAST




Anne-Sophie Willekens & Delfien Schoonbaert