Strategic portfolio management

How organizations are doing lean budgeting right now


This year, we organized a survey to understand how organizations are doing lean budgeting at this moment and we want to share the interesting results with you.

The starting point of this survey originated from the feedback we received during our previous Inspiration Days. During these days, we offer participants inspiration to deal with their current portfolio management challenges. It showed the desire among portfolio managers to do budgeting in a leaner way. But often, finance was not convinced. To get a better picture of how finance looks at Lean Budgeting, it seemed appropriate to us to question CFOs and financial controllers about this.

Why lean budgeting?

In every budgeting cycle we hear a call for simplicity from both the portfolio and the finance side. Lean Budgeting provides:

  • more simplicity
  • is value driven
  • avoids detailing uncertainty

What will you learn in this ebook?

In this ebook, we are revealing the results of 6 interesting observations we did from our survey and explaining these observations more in detail.

Results of threon's lean budgeting survey
6 interesting observations about lean budgeting
Questions? Get in touch!